Safety and security at Leadenhall Market
What we’re doing to keep everybody safe
It is our primary goal to make sure that your experience at Leadenhall Market is safe and stress-free. We have put in place a selection of safety and security measures, in line with government and local authority advice, which will help your visit. These include procedures behind the scenes as well as more obviously signposted measures.
And remember – our security team are available to answer any questions you may have or need to ask in advance of your visit.
We have installed numerous security measures to make sure that you have a safe shopping, eating and drinking experience at Leadenhall Market. Some of these measures you can see, and some you cannot.
Our fully trained security team is on site to address any unusual activity, and we have CCTV operational 24/7. Our security staff are also onsite to help answer any questions, provide directions or assistance with a friendly smile – they may say hello!
Our security teams work closely with the City of London Police, engage with Project Servator and other local partners to deliver a safe and secure environment. If you do see anything suspicious, please speak to a member of staff or visit ACT by clicking here.