Explore the wonders of Leadenhall

Opening hours

Public areas of Leadenhall Market are generally open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For information on the opening hours of shops and restaurants, please check with the specific retailer.

Feel free to ask any questions to our friendly staff and security guards who will usually be on site.

For media, marketing and events enquiries please contact Barley Communications: leadenhallmarket@barleycommunications.co.uk.

Please be reminded that Leadenhall Market is strictly a no smoking zone. The protection of Leadenhall’s historic architecture is of the utmost importance to us.

Getting to Leadenhall Market


London Fenchurch Street Station | 8 min walk
London Cannon Street Station | 8 min walk
Liverpool Street Station | 13 min walk
Moorgate Station | 13 min walk



Monument Station | 4 min walk
Bank Station | 6 min walk
Aldgate Station | 8 min walk
Moorgate Station | 13 min walk